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Name Avaliablity

Domain Names – Buy, Sell or Register an Australian Domain Name. Register a domain name, buy a domain name or sell domain names. Australian and International domain names available.

  • We have over 5000 clients
  • Completed over 50,000 projects
  • Been in business for over 20 years
  • And contributed over $20,000,000 to the Australia
  • Economy

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Domain Pricing

TLD  Years Register Transfer Renew 2 $88.00 $0.00 $88.00 2 $66.00 $0.00 $66.00 2 $33.00 $0.00 $33.00 2 $33.00 $0.00 $33.00 2 $33.00 $0.00 $33.00
.com 1 $33.00 $33.00 $33.00
.net 1 $33.00 $33.00 $33.00
.org 1 $33.00 $33.00 $33.00
.info 1 $33.00 $33.00 $33.00
.me 1 $99.00 $99.00 $99.00
.mobi 1 $86.00 $86.00 $86.00
.name 1 $43.00 $43.00 $43.00 2 $66.00 $66.00 $66.00 2 $66.00 $66.00 $66.00
.tv 1 $195.00 $195.00 $195.00